Stop The Fear - Book Cover

"Our society is currently awash in an epidemic of health-eroding fear. This fear does more damage than all the bacteria, toxins and viruses combined. But there is hope for ending the tyranny of fear. Gloria Boileau's book Stop the Fear is the cure. Read It!"

-- Christiane Northrup, MD, Author of Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom

Gloria Boileau - Author, Speaker, and Coach
Gloria Boileau
Author, Speaker, and Coach

Suggested Interview / Article Topics For

Fear manifests itself in many forms:

  • Approximately 6.8 million adults, or about 3.1% of people age 18 and over, have generalized anxiety disorder in a given year.
  • Approximately 5.3 million American adults ages 18 to 54 suffer from social phobia.
  • A study by the Boeing Aircraft Company determined that one third of all adults are afraid to fly, and half of those avoid flying altogether or suffer actual panic attacks if they must fly.

The important thing to remember is that fear is prevalent and powerful and can hold us back, but it is also manageable and conquerable.

Gloria Boileau is a life-long seasoned professional speaker, executive coach, and fear wrangler. Having grown up in a household that could have left her consumed by a life of fear, Gloria realized it was up to her to conquer her life challenges. In her journey for self-preservation, Gloria has studied her own fears and the fears of others. She is a highly sought after expert, communicating with people about their fears and helping people learn how to Stop the Fear.

Some of the topics Gloria enjoys speaking on include:

  1. Five Steps to Conquering Any Fear
  2. 12 Basic Fears & What to do About Them
  3. Five Most Common Mistakes People Make When Addressing Their Fears
  4. When is Fear Appropriate & How to Make Your Fears Work for You?
  5. How & Why Fear Sells: An inside look at the marketing of fear through consumerism, politics, and even education
  6. How Normal Concerns Become Debilitating Fears
  7. Overcoming Fear for Your Child’s Safety
  8. Three Steps to Overcoming Your Fear of Flying
  9. Surmounting Your Fear of Aging
  10. Five Steps to Conquering Your Social Fears

Gloria Boileau is available for interviews
and speaking engagements.

To discuss fear-related topics, please feel free
to contact us at 858.550.0151.



Publication Date:
March 2008
6 x 9 Trade Paperback
216 pages, Price: $14.95

National Publicity:

  • U.S. major city author and speaking tour
  • Drive-time radio campaign
  • Television and print campaign

For Marketing and Publicity information contact:

Maria Rubinstein
(P) 858.550.0151
(F) 858.550.0152

Distributed by
Midpoint Trade Books